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Dr Mucci has a new range of online courses for healthcare professionals to help them enhance their skillset.


In this clinic, a battery of neuropsychological tests is used to help with diagnosis of memory concerns and depression, distinguish memory problems associated with dementia from normal ageing memory decline and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is pre-dementia state. Further tests, such as brain scan and blood tests might be required. 

Depression is very common in older adults, especially in patients with dementia. Serious underlying depression, apart from mood changes, can lead to impaired mental function, and erroneously mistaken for dementia. Proper treatment can result in striking improvement in both mood and memory.

Although Alzheimer's dementia is the commonest type of dementia, there are many other types. Treatment options will be discussed and will be different for every patient.

In summary, this Hastings based dementia services clinic, might benefit:

  1. People who worry about their memory and want some reassurance.
  2. Older adults whose family is concerned about their memory and mood.
  3. Patients with known diagnosis of dementia and/or depression who would like to have a comprehensive holistic assessment and view their mental health problems in the context of their other medical problems, review their medicines and discuss future care planning.

An excellent presentation by Dr Mucci. Down to Earth, practical, relevant advice delivered with empathy and humour.
Little Common, Bexhill

Geriatric Assessment Service, Hastings. East Sussex : Tel: 07786 545738 : Fax : 01424 758132 : Email:

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